Places in ‘All the Bright Places’.

          Recently I read ‘All the Bright Places’ and happened to love it. As I finished it, I thought I’d just google the list of all the places but I was surprised to find nothing. So, I’m going to list down all the places in Indiana wandered by Violet and Finch in this great novel. This post isn’t a review. If you want a review, you can check it out here.
1. Hoosier Hill.

          The first wandering is on the top most point in Indiana which is the Hoosier Hill. It stands at a height of 1257 feet. There isn’t any great view but it’s a landmark.

2. The Bookmobile Park:

This can’t be included under any landmark as it’s just a moving library. I loved how it’s placed in the novel though, giving it a kind of an antique look. This is how it looks like.
3. Before I Die ___:

This was just some place where ‘Before I Die’ was written and passersby were supposed to write something which they wanted to do before they die. I loved how Violet and Finch wrote so many things without any second thought. That huge blackboard might look something like this.

This is just like another book store which isn’t a place of significance to anyone unless you love books.
5. Purina Tower:

This tower is mentioned many times throughout the story, I had imagined a tall tower which emanated romance and peace but instead in reality it’s just a normal building-like structure.

6. Kramer:
I completely forgot what this place was about. I have included it just as it is mentioned in the book.
7. Backyard Roller coasters:

John Ivers’ backyard rollercoasters were really the coolest thing. When I searched, I was surprised that they exist. Human imagination and innovation can reach any bound.

John Ivers.
Blue Flash.
Blue Too.
8. Blue Hole:

This is the most significant place in the story where their love story begins and ends. Blue Hole is basically a bottomless pit of water. I couldn’t get any good pictures about this. Instead, here is a picture of a Blue Hole in Bahamas.

9. Milltown, Shoe Tree:

This is a place where people leave their shoes hanging on a tree. I had pictured it to be something more colourful and exciting but this is the real view.

10. World’s largest ball of paint:

This is a rather interesting thing to do. It started with a genius idea of how many layers of paints can a tiny ball handle. It still goes on and I loved this place. It may not be the most thrilling adventure but it sure is a weird amusement to look for.

11. Pendleton Pike Drive In:
This is where there was graffiti all over the place. I could neither get a specific picture about this nor any graffiti.
12. Ultraviolet Apocalypse:
It’s a really great place in Munster, Indiana. It has Our Lady of Mount Carmel monastery which is really worth watching. I found these exact words which are in the novel and some more photos.

14. Taylor Prayer Chapel:

This is the last place mentioned in the book. This is the place where Violet gets Finch’s letter and the story ends. It’s a roadside tiny church.

This novel taught me that even though some places are uncommon or unusual, you should see the beauty in them. The rarest and even ugliest things need to be shined brightly though the ink. It was a great experience wandering through Indiana with Finch and Violet.

(Credits to the images go their creators. All are taken from Google.)