Books Read in September 2021!

<Reposting this because a stupid malware issue deleted it.>

Hi Readers! I am back after a long break. Here is the mini story of why I have been away this long. I started reading The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. It took me the better part of the month to complete the first part of the first book. I am yet to complete the second part, so I hadn’t really finished even a single book. I was okay with that, until I took Richard Osman’s The Man Who Died Twice & suddenly all I wanted to do was read. And Voila! I read 3 books in the last 3 days of the month! What a high! Anyway, I liked all these 3 books. Because I read them one after the other, I didn’t have time to review them. But, I plan to review them soon.


You cannot help but love Richard Osman’s writing. The way he brings humour to a serious situation is just pure brilliance. I do love intense murder stories, but somehow humourous murder stories are all the more entertaining. I had loved the first book, The Thursday Murder Club & I was keen on reading this. I had pre-ordered it and everything! I read it the day it came in the mail, and I was not disappointed. I am still in the over information phase after reading 3 books, so there will be a review out soon! I have rated it at 4/5 stars!


The Push by Ashley Audrain had been on my TBR list for a long time. And when I started reading it, I just could not physically stop reading it! The writing was just so captivating & thrilling. The Goodreads blurb did give away the ending, but I was expecting it anyway. Even though it was predictable with not many ups & downs in the story, I still enjoyed reading it. I have rated it at 4/5 stars!


I don’t do well with books shortlisted for the Booker Prize. No One is Talking About This is a rare exception & I am glad for it. This is a short book divided into 2 parts which feel completely separate from each other. The content is divided into tweet-sized paragraphs. The first part is all about the internet culture. To be honest, I did not understand a lot in it as I am not as knowledgeable about the ever day new things that happen on the net as I thought I was. But, the ones I did understand were so deep & meaningful. The second part is more understandable with more sentences joined together than not. It talks about the Proteus Syndrome. The author has told a personal story through it which talks about grief. I have rated it at 3.5/5 stars!

I will write another post about a huge book haul, which includes these 3 books & a few more! So, stay tuned!

Until next time,