2023 Monthly Reading Templates – Books Read And To Be Read!
Happy New Year, Readers!!
You have been absolutely fantastic in 2022. The 2022 Monthly Reading Templates had the second highest viewership on Mindscape in Words! So many of you found my templates useful. A few of you even used them on Instagram and tagged me. That really made me feel so so amazing. So, without a doubt, I knew that I would make new reading templates for 2023 as well. I did and here we are! Last year, I was new to making templates, so I didn’t venture out too much. I stuck to pastel palate. But this year, I mixed things up a little. I have used different shades and colours of sky on the banner of each template. I loved making them and I hope you enjoy these just as much, if not more, as you did the last year’s!
I don’t plan which books to read for a particular month. I am more of a mood reader. So, I don’t usually have a monthly TBR to tackle. But, I know that many of you plan what you want to read for the month. So, here I am, just helping you out with a monthly TBR template to make your TBR books more aesthetic.

Here I have two options for you all. There are templates with 9 books read in a month and in the next segment, there are templates for 12 books read in a month. You can use either of them depending on how much you have read!

For all the binger readers, speed readers and just super passionate readers, here are the monthly templates with 12 books. And if you read more than 12, you can just use them twice!

Most of you probably record what you watched in IMDb or somewhere else. But, I thought I would make these templates anyway. They are mainly for me, but I thought I would share with you all as well! These are more customizable where you can add either movies or web series or documentaries even. You can put in one or ten depending on how you want to display it.

~~2023 FAVORITES~~
This one is a bit premature. That is why, I decided to make it month-wise! You an record your month-wise favorites for books, movies and web series! And, if this becomes too narrow, then I might create a few more customizable favorites a few months into the year. Let me know how you like it better and I will work on it to make these beautiful templates for you!




So, that is all, folks! If you want to check out some of the 2022 reading templates or other reading templates, you can check them out here. If I find inspiration to create a few more, I surely will. Until then, I hope you will use these and have fun with them! Thank you!
You can check out templates from 2024 and 2022 here!
Until next time,