Ed Sheeran Concert Experience – Part 2, Ten Years Later!

Hi Readers!
I have been listening to Ed Sheeran’s songs for over a decade. He is always in my Top 5 artists on Spotify Wrapped. But after missing his concert in Mumbai last year, I didn’t feel anything. No FOMO whatsoever. I even forgot about it right away. Because when you don’t go to a concert, it fades away because there are no memories. But when you do go to a concert, it becomes your entire personality. So, when in December he announced his India tour, I decided to go to his concert in Pune. Now, the last concert I have attended was ten years ago. And, it was also Ed Sheeran’s first concert in India. It seemed like a nice full circle kind of moment.
I have a very weird connection with the musicians I love. I listen to them every day, I know all their songs and lyrics, their families and see photos whenever they hangout somewhere. It’s like they are a part of my life, like they are my long-distance friends. So, when I saw Ed singing in front of the crowd it felt just like meeting an old friend. He looked older and wiser, with shorter hair, and a wedding band, but singing with his eyes closed was something that hadn’t changed. Because I listen to his music so often, I take it for granted, but when I saw him live, I was once again thrown off by how immense talent! The kind of show he puts on for his fans; the loop pedal technique or his raps or how he engages the audience.. it’s all just perfect.
I think concerts change your brain chemistry. When you are at the event, you stand for 2+ hours alongside thousands of strangers singing lyrics to some of the most intimate songs written. And then when the concert is over, you still stay in that zone emotionally. It’s so hard to get over it. Such is my current state, two weeks later! I am not enjoying work. I am not reading anything. I am not able to listen to any other music other than Ed’s. I keep going back to that night. And, all of it is just happening in really deep feelings. There are no thoughts going around in my head when I think of that night.. just smiles, happiness, and vibes. But, the intensity of these very intangible wordless little things is so strong that it’s impossible to focus on anything else. Amazing, isn’t it?
Whether the songs relate to you or not doesn’t matter when you hear them live, because you become these fictional characters and are able to place yourself in the songs with fictional lovers and friends. You understand the grief of losing a friend when you listen to Eyes Closed. You understand true love when you sway to Perfect. You understand unrequited love when you cry to Happier. And then for some tracks you just sing your heart out because the songs, the music and the groove just hit you and you got to move and sing and dance and perhaps make it one of the most memorable nights ever!
Castle on the Hill
I’m a Mess
The A Team
Give Me Love
Lego House
I See Fire
Eyes Closed
Thinking Out Loud
Love Yourself
Tenerife Sea
You Need Me, I Don’t Need You
Shape of You
Bad Habits
I am still in that zone, even if it slightly fades every day. I had the most amazing time, and this will be something I will come back to a lot. <3

Until next time,