Category: Books

3 Books in 3 Days Challenge.

          3 weeks in a row, I had Friday to Sunday off. The first 2 times I just wasted it. But, this time, I decided to do something productive. I decided to challenge myself into reading 3 books in those 3 days. I had been...

Black Butterfly. (Book Review #20)

         I came across this amazing author, Robert M. Drake via his Instagram account. I’m a romantic for words. You know those images where there’s distinct text on it? I can’t not look at those when they appear on my timeline. And just like that once I saw...

It Started With A Friend Request. (Book Review #19)

 Introduction:           I love Indian writing. When I say that, I mean authors like Sudha Murty, Amish Tripathi, Salman Rushdie. Not authors like Durjoy Datta, Preeti Shenoy, Ravinder Singh and Sudeep Nagarkar. I know that Indians are huge fans of romantic novels and movies. I...

Me Before You. (Book Review #18)

          Hello book nerds! It saddens me that I get to read less these days. After the 1 book per 2 days streak in July, this is just downright disappointing. Now that I have a study leave of one month, the first thing I did was get back...

Reading. (Monday Moments #23)

          The extended weekend had begun. She had three days of uninterrupted time for herself. Since she lived alone, there was no one to disturb her. She was awaiting this weekend since a long time. She had come up with perfect excuses for reasons she...

Random Quirks from a Book Nerd.

          I finally finished reading the biography of Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. It took forever to read it. But now I’m back to fiction; my forte. Yesterday, I was going through all these books in my bookshelf. It’s always tough to decide on what...

A Book Slump.

(Source)           A book slump is just like writer’s block for readers. A book slump happens because you’re too busy. Or because you can’t find some interest in the story. Or you just doze off every time you take a new book. Or it just doesn’t work...

Happy Birthday John Green!

          I remember the time when I had no idea who this author was. I remember that after reading one novel by him, I’d ended up reading all the rest in a short time. I remember the time when I didn’t know how to cry...

The Kite Runner. (Book Review #17)

Introduction:           The Kite Runner is a book which I had heard about since a decade. I was always intrigued about the story but never thought of finally taking it up. And when I did, it blew my mind. After reading Khaled Hosseini’s ‘A Thousand...

Everything, Everything. (Book Review #16)

Introduction:           Nicola Yoon’s debut novel ‘Everything, Everything’ is a simple story which a young reader will enjoy. I wouldn’t categorize it into ‘Young Adult’ as it’s kind of a kiddish novel. It’s the story of Madeline who has a disease and has to remain in isolation...