Trauma Victim. (Diary Logs #6)
Hello Readers! This is a fictional post about a girl who was bullied, harassed & unfortunately suffered the trauma for the rest of her short life ahead. Again, it is a fictional post. All your love is welcome & appreciated because I know bits & pieces are always relatable!...
Long-Distance Relationship.. (Diary Logs #5)
Hello Readers! I hope your week was good & even though it wasn’t, TGIF, right!? Talking about Fridays, it’s time for another Diary Logs post!! This time it’s a fictional page from the diary of a girl who’s in a long-distance relationship, thinking about everything, all over again… ————————————————————————————————————————–...
So Relatable. (Diary Logs #4)
Hello Readers! This is a post about when you read something or listen to something or watch something & find it way too relatable to your own story. So, in a way it’s a post for you to relate about relating to things! ————————————————————————————————————————– Dear Diary, The other day...
No Major Missing. (Diary Logs #3)
Hello Readers! Here goes the third post in the diary logs post! The second one is still my favourite! Again, let me tell you all, these posts are purely fictional. Read through this one & tell me how you feel! ————————————————————————————————————————————- Dear Diary,I saw a photo on Instagram the...
Dude, Look What You Made Me Do. (Diary Logs #2)
Hello Readers! Welcome to another page of the diary logs! Just to tell you all, these entries are entirely fictional & just something I came up with. There are many people struggling with a lot of things & reading something relatable always feels good & helps to make a...
Farewell… (Diary Logs #1)
Hello Readers! This is my FIRST ‘Diary Logs‘ post. It is especially important as it is for my best friend who is one of my favourite human-alien on this planet!! Here’s to our friendship & many more years to come. Let distance never become a barrier & just some foolish...
3rd Blogoversary + Announcements!!
Hello Readers!! Day after day, month after month and another year has passed. And here we are! It is Mindscape in Words’ 3rd Blogoversary!! I am beyond excited for this one for so many reasons. Lately, I had really less time to write & blog. I completed my masters...
Diary Logs!
Post Coming Up 8th September!...
People Drift Away. (Monday Moments #63)
I think the truest sentence I’ll ever write is, ‘People Drift Away.’ Once our schooling is over, we hardly meet our school mates apart from selected 3 or 4. Same is with our college friends and class mates. But, that kind of drifting is...