Station Eleven: A Depressing Novel about a Post-Pandemic World

Hi Readers! I had three Emily St. John Mandel books on my bookshelf, so I finally picked up Station Eleven. Now, this book has great reviews. It’s very highly rated on Goodreads. Every time I read anyone’s review on it, it’s glorifying amazing. Most people have also loved the...

Books Read in May 2022!

Hi Readers! May was slow for me reading wise. I only read 6 Books across 2145 Pages. The workload was the same, but in addition to it I also had to study for a certification. So, getting back into that ‘studying groove’ after 5 years took some time. But...

9 Feel Good Heartwarming Comfort Book Recommendations!

Hi Readers! You already know how much I love soul-crushing, heart-wrenching, mind-numbing tragic books. I mean, if the book doesn’t hurt you, it’s almost not worth reading. Well, because I gravitate towards these kinds of books, I naturally have about 20 books like these on my bookshelf TBR. I...

The Cat Who Saved the Books: A Book for Book Lovers!

Are you a book lover? Do you hoard books because you are a book lover or because you want others to know that you are a book lover? Do you read books over 500 or 1000 pages or do you pretend to read them by glimpsing through the summary?...

The Lady Killer by Masako Togawa Book Review.

Hi Readers! It has been a while, hasn’t it? Almost half a month! This month I am again reading more than I am reviewing. I have read 3 books so far. 2 were short ones. But the third one was over 600 pages. It took me a week to...

How We Disappeared: Interesting Start and an End!

Hi Readers! I am writing this review from the cozy bed in a resort at Lonavala. I have 4 days off, so I am away on a staycation! There is a lot of relaxing time to read, write & sleep. Unfortunately, like majority of the resorts, this one has...

Books Read in April 2022!

Hi Readers! Another end of another month calls for another roundup post! I managed to read EIGHT BOOKS across 2785 PAGES! Luckily, this month I loved most of the books I read, which is 5 out of 8! Also, 5 out of 8 were digital. I really need to...