A Ranting Session.
There are days which suck to the core. Not one thing fits into place. You don’t get the things you really want. There are no people to talk to because you’re pissed off at all of them. And the ones you need aren’t conveniently...
Powerless. (Monday Moments #45)
He was going through a tough time. His mother was acting really different for some time now. She called him by her father’s name. She just zoned out sometimes. She forgot where she kept something time and again. That day she wasn’t able to...
Nobody Cares. (Guest Post #4)
I haven’t done guests posts in a while. So here’s a wonderful poem by Ravindra Shenolikar, who’s my father. He had written a guest post titled Spontaneity earlier. Today he showed me this and I was ecstatic after reading it. Truth flows from every word in...
Friendships That Last. (Monday Moments #44)
It was a girls’ night out. All 4 girls in the group were committed. They all had a sweet love story of their own. That night though, they decided to keep away their phones and just enjoy the true spirit of friendship. They all...
Promises. (Monday Moments #43)
They were best friends. They were nothing alike but they were also not that different. Their likes and dislikes differed but their passion towards them was on the same level. She talked about music just as passionately as he talked about web design. Her...
Compromise. (Monday Moments #42)
He wanted to get married and settle down immediately. She wanted to do a PhD and settle down only after 5 years. He belonged to a loud and political family. She belonged to a quiet and sophisticated family. He wanted to splurge on a pompous wedding. She wanted to...
First Salary. (Monday Moments #41)
It was the month end. She was hanging out with her best friends when her phone vibrated. Her account had been credited. She shouted out loud. She was beaming with happiness to have earned her first income! Ever since she graduated, she had doubts about...
Single Life. (Monday Moments #40)
She was an emotionally strong person. She was single her whole life but she didn’t let it become a thing. Sure, she had bad patches. There were times when she thought no one loved her. There were times when she thought that she was...
Longing. (Monday Moments #39)
They had a fight. It wasn’t their first. And they knew it won’t be their last. They weren’t friends but they weren’t in a relationship either. It was just something in between. Something sweet and scary hanging right in front of them wanting their attention....
8 Tips If You Are Travelling With A Toddler.
Travelling is something most of us are very much passionate about. It makes us feel fresh and relaxed. Visiting new places, exploring new cultures, tasting various cuisines is all part of the game if you are an avid traveller. Solo travelling has become very...