Fanatic Fangirls.
PART ONE. It was the first day of senior college. Aisha was optimistic about this year and what it would enfold. She had always been an outgoing person who befriended all her batch mates, be it school or classes. College was going to be no exception. She...
Beyond Bondage.
As Soham read the mechanical report, the kind he had written for perhaps the fiftieth time, he thought, ” What am I doing with my life?” He had always been a man of action and thrill. “I was the winner of the State debate....
A Year Since Kashmir.
After sharing the experience of my Kerala visit, I have developed an interest in travel writing. I may not have climbed mountains or jumped from a plane. But in my opinion, travel is something different for every individual. For me, it lies in the...
One Last Time.
Yesterday was officially the last day at college. One last time I had to give an exam. One last time I had the chance to be there. I reached an hour early & had the classroom to myself. One last time I was the...
9 Things I’m Doing This Summer.
Summers equals vacations. This time it’s probably going to be my last enjoyable summer vacation. Because henceforth there will be seriousness, maturity and all of those corporate ethics to bind by. That is the basic reason why I have decided to make this summer...
Are You Living?
The human body needs a heart and a brain to function whereas the kidneys, liver etc are secondary. If a person is brain dead or his heart stops beating, then that’s the end of everything. Now that’s the science part. I don’t write a...
Congratulations Saina Nehwal!
India is a country wherein three things are worshiped greatly; politics, bollywood and cricket. These have taken so much importance over the years that other fields are neglected. If some one has good looks, then there is nothing else but bollywood. If someone is...
Turning 21!
Isn’t it the best feeling, being loved? My 21st birthday was filled with lots of it. Love from my family, love from my friends, love from all my close ones. It felt divine. I was the happiest person on March, the 19th! Also, all...
Get Inspired!
Have you ever felt clueless? About yourself or about the people around you or just the bleak possibility of a dynamic life in 20-something years? Have you felt like quitting everything, taking a random plane and just going somewhere, away from the chaos? Have...
Ed Sheeran Concert Experience
Edward Christopher Sheeran is an English singer and songwriter. This talented 24-year old red head writes the most lovely lyrics and gives them justice by singing them in his magical voice. He is well-known not only for his melodious tunes but also for his...