Tag: Blogoversary

Celebrating 10 Years, Readers!!

In September 2014, I created an account on Blogger and posted a poem called Popular and Plain. It was nothing special, quite plain. But, the very essence of the poem was about wanting to be seen. Even a plain person can be popular with their words, I thought. No...

Mindscape in Words Celebrates 9th Blogoversary!

Happy 9th Blogoversary to Mindscape in Words!! I cannot believe that it has been NINE YEARS! Nine glorious years of sharing my thoughts and words out into the world for anyone to read! My thoughts on books, my experiences on travels, my words in the form of short stories...

Mindscape in Words Celebrates 8th Blogoversary!

Hi Readers! Today is Mindscape in Words’ 8th Blogoversary! I am so incredibly happy with what I have achieved for Mindscape in Words. It started from amateur book reviews interspersed with short stories & occasional travel journals. And now after 8 years, I know what I do best: BOOKS!...

Celebrating Mindscape in Words’ 7th Blogoversary!!

Hello Readers!! Every time I write a post, I somehow always wonder how quickly the month has gone by, and today here we are where an entire year has gone by! Another successful year of Mindscape in Words! I am forever grateful to you readers who come back to...

6th Blogoversary!

Hello my dear readers!! Thank you for sticking with Mindscape in Words for SIX LONG YEARS! I owe you a BIG THANK YOU! You have seen this blog grow along with me. From writing short book reviews to writing detailed 2000-word BOOK REVIEWS. From liking books to being passionate...


TODAYmarks the 5TH BLOG ANNIVERSARY OF MINDSCAPE IN WORDS & I am EXAGGERATINGLY ECSTATICthat we have come so far! I take it as a milestone, something that I will forever be proud of! In all my 25 years of existence, writing this blog has made me the most committed...

Udaipur Journals, Part 1 || Celebrating 4th Blogoversary!

Hello Readers!! Today marks the 4th BLOGOVERSARY of MINDSCAPE IN WORDS!! With few postings in a few months & few breaks now & then, somehow, I have successfully completed 4 years of blogging!! And, what’s better to celebrate a blogoversary if not with a travel post!? So, here goes...

3rd Blogoversary + Announcements!!

Hello Readers!! Day after day, month after month and another year has passed. And here we are! It is Mindscape in Words’ 3rd Blogoversary!! I am beyond excited for this one for so many reasons. Lately, I had really less time to write & blog. I completed my masters...

A Flashback. (Blogoversary Part 2)

          One year ago today I wrote a poem which was my first post. And today, here I am writing my 100th post! It’s unbelievable how time passes faster while doing something that you truly love. I can’t imagine myself not-blogging. I remember how unsure I...

Readers, Thank You. (Blogoversary Part 1)

          It’s the first anniversary of my blog today! I’m beyond excited and thrilled. This past year flew by faster than I imagined. It still feels like yesterday when I started my blog. I feel like myself when I write and blogging has become a...