Tag: Favorite Books

Book Recommendation: The Huntress by Kate Quinn

Hi Readers! I have become super lethargic these days when it comes to writing reviews. All I feel like doing after finishing a book, is instantly picking up another. On top of this, my 26-months work from home bliss has come to an end. With five days work from...

Upgrade by Blake Crouch: A Thrilling Sci-Fi on Gene Upgrade!

Hi Readers! I have finally written this much-awaited review for the first e-ARC I have ever received! Given that I loved Blake Crouch’s Dark Matter & Recursion, I was super excited to read his latest addition to the Sci-Fi books; Upgrade! ~~GOODREADS DESCRIPTION~~ “You are the next step in...

Cursed Bunny: A Genre-Defying Collection of Short Stories!

Hi Readers! The International Booker Shortlist is out! And your gal just read one book from it! I highly recommend it. Even though I have not read the other books yet, I feel Cursed Bunny by Bora Chung is truly deserving to be the winner! Check out my review!...

Book Recommendations: Seishi Yokomizo’s Murder Mystery Novels!

Hi Readers! The reading slump is finally broken with three murder mystery books with a lot of gory, bloody, horrifying, creepy, lunatic characters from Seishi Yokomizo’s three books translated from the Japanese! I did not intend on reading such highly detailed books about multiple murders, especially not 3 books...

Top 12 Books of 2021 – Year in Review (Part 2)

Hi Readers! You can check out my Year in Review (Part 1) here, where I have written about my 21 Things to do in 2021! And, here’s part two! One of the most prioritised goals for me every year is reading. So, welcome to my reading review of the...

Book Recommendation: The Alice Network by Kate Quinn.

Hi Readers! It has been quite an eventful month! In November, not only have I read 9 books, I also watched 21 movies, caught on to making Instagram Reels, prepared dinner every weekend & also went to Mumbai to roam about! It’s always amazing to feel that the month...