Category: Books

Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi: To Read or Not to Read?

Hi Readers! I recently read Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi. I was expecting so much from it, but like many times before, my expectations lead to disappointment. I suppose the name of the book Homegoing itself is the purpose of the book. I searched online & saw this: The title...

Books Read in July 2022!

Hi Readers! How was your July? Did you get a lot of reading done? Did you get time to spend with your family & friends? Did you get time to spend with yourself? I really hope you did! 😊 My July did not start off well. In fact, I...

Mid Year Reading Recap + Favourite Books!

Hi Readers! More than six months of 2022 done and dusted! As you know, I did not set a particular number of books for the Reading Challenge for this year. Instead, I had five goals. Of those, I was only able to somewhat achieve four. Aside from re-reading my...

Book Lovers: Why I Do Not Recommend Reading It

Hi Readers! My complete loathing for Emily Henry books continues with her latest novel Book Lovers. I despise romance genre as a whole, but with these books, it’s a whole other level of suffering when I read them. Predictable story, bland characters, pretentious & dull dialogues & the complete...

Books Read in June 2022!

Hi Readers! June has been amazing because of so many reasons. My brother is here for a month on his study break. Stranger Things is blowing up the normal & the upside down world with its sheer awesomeness. Work from office has started with full swing, which I don’t...

Book Recommendation: The Huntress by Kate Quinn

Hi Readers! I have become super lethargic these days when it comes to writing reviews. All I feel like doing after finishing a book, is instantly picking up another. On top of this, my 26-months work from home bliss has come to an end. With five days work from...

Station Eleven: A Depressing Novel about a Post-Pandemic World

Hi Readers! I had three Emily St. John Mandel books on my bookshelf, so I finally picked up Station Eleven. Now, this book has great reviews. It’s very highly rated on Goodreads. Every time I read anyone’s review on it, it’s glorifying amazing. Most people have also loved the...

Books Read in May 2022!

Hi Readers! May was slow for me reading wise. I only read 6 Books across 2145 Pages. The workload was the same, but in addition to it I also had to study for a certification. So, getting back into that ‘studying groove’ after 5 years took some time. But...