Category: Books

The Dutch House. (Mindscape Reviews)

Hi Readers! I recently read ‘The Dutch House’ by Ann Patchett. Now, this book is rated at 4.17/5 on Goodreads. Also, it is recommended in every article that gives stellar book recommendations. It is historical fiction post WWII. The author Ann Pachett’s books are always bestsellers. All these four...

May Book Haul!

Hi Readers! May has flown by! I have already boasted about how I read 12 books this month. And, May has also thankfully been the month in which I was finally able to order new books! As any other reader, I have a huge To-Be-Read List which keeps getting...

May Reads – 12 Mini Book Reviews!

Hi Readers! Can you believe it? I read 12 books this month! That’s my second highest score. Top score still stands at 15 books. I’m pretty sure I will break that record one of these days! From these 12, I have already written full reviews for a few. And,...

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. (Mindscape Reviews)

Hi Readers! I’m so happy that I am having such a fantastic month of May. I have read a lot of books this month, watched a lot of TV shows & movies, learnt a lot of food recipes!  Talking about books, I recently finished reading Taylor Jenkins Reid’s ‘The...

The Color Purple. (Mindscape Reviews!)

Hi Readers! How are you all? Guess what? I have officially completed 50% of my 2020 Reading Challenge! I was quite unsure of reading 52 books, but now that we have the gift of time, I think I will actually cross that mark! Okay, let’s not get ahead of...

Top 5 Favourite Authors!

Hi Readers! How are you all? Stay home & stay safe, guys! For me, it is really difficult not to pick a new book 10 minutes after I finish the last one. But, I am giving myself a READING DETOX for a couple of days (I hope I am...

April Reads! (Mindscape Reviews)

Hello Readers! You need to make up your mind now, because all of my posts this year are going to be book posts. For 2020, I had only 2 travel plans anyway, but now obviously it’s not possible. So, just putting it out there… Books! In April, I read...

Miguel Street. (Mindscape Reviews)

Hello Readers! April is about to end already, how crazy is that? I have already read 7 BOOKS this month & will most likely finish another by tomorrow, rounding it up to 8! Just like in March! I read V.S. Naipaul’s Miguel Street & it wasn’t to my likes....

Books as Outfits!

Hi Readers! Happy Saturday Night to you all! If that kind of stuff even matters anymore. These days it feels like there is a lot of time and nothing to do. (Of course, there are things I ‘should be’ doing, but I don’t. So, technically there’s nothing to do.)...