Category: Books

January Reads!

Hi Readers! How are you all? How has the first month of 2020 treated you? Well, for me, I’m already kind of beat. I sure started the year with a LOT of goals, what with the 20 Things to do in 2020, 52 Books in 52 Weeks & the Habit Tracker! All...

Life Lessons from Tuesdays with Morrie.

Hi Readers! The first book I read in February is Mitch Alboom’s Tuesdays with Morrie. This is one of those life-affirming books with a lot of advice but it doesn’t throw the advice at your face. Rather the words beautifully dance around in your thoughts making you realise about...

2020 Reading Challenge: 52 Books in 52 Weeks!

Hi Readers! You all know how much of a planner I am. You can clearly see that from the 20 Things to do in 2020 post. While I am always organized in most matters, there is one important area where I am haphazard. And that, dear readers, is shockingly...

Top 12 Web Series of 2019!

Hi Folks! As part of the Mindscape Reviews, you have already seen the Top 12 Books I Read in 2019. That leaves us with the other part of reviews ‘ web series! I binge watched a lot this year. Some series were exceptional (Dark S02 & Fleabag S02) ,...

Top 12 Books I Read in 2019

Hi Readers! As promised, here is the list of 12 books that I read this year 7 absolutely LOVED. These are not all published this year, but just the ones that I happened to read this year. From the 40 books that I read (never going to NOT MENTION...

Whisper Network. (Mindscape Reviews)

Hi Readers! Book 36 of the year is read & done. Lately, I have read a lot of GOOD BOOKS! There was a time where I only read bad books, but gladly that has changed. I do miss writing critical reviews though. Anyway, this one is going to overflow...

November Book Haul!!

Hi Readers! I just finished the 36thbook of the year ‘ Whisper Network by Chandler Baker. I wasn’t expecting to, but I really quite loved reading this one. More on it in a different post! With about 2 months to go, I really hope I will be able to...

The Moment of Lift! (Mindscape Reviews)

Hi Readers! I recently read ‘The Moment of Lift’ by Melinda Gates. It was in my TBR for a while, but I finally got to it because I was bored of reading fictional novels. When I first read the index, it was all about gender equality, family planning &...

October Reads!

Hi Readers! October has been the most productive month in terms of reading. I read SEVEN BOOKS THIS MONTH, which is quite an accomplishment, I’d say. Of these 7, I truly liked reading 4 books! It is quite a mix of genres, but as you all know, I read...

A Wild Sheep Chase. (Mindscape Reviews)

Hello Readers! Sorry for not posting all month! A few things came up because of which I had no energy to think or write anything. So far, the month has been good only reading-wise. I completed my target of reading 30 books! And, because there are still more than...