Writing. (Monday Moments #26)

          She was at the coffee shop. Everything she needed was there. Coffee, music and of course, cheesecake. She opened her laptop and continued writing her novel. She was working on her second love story and enjoying the process. After one successful novel, the thrill...

5 Things To Know About Detachment.

          Some of us get easily attached to people. Once befriended, we want to know everything about them. Then we start thinking about them, caring for them and end up getting attached in no time. But somewhere amidst all that caring and loving, we forget...

Birthday Celebration. (Monday Moments #25)

          After a tiring day, everyone knew that it made no sense to wake her up at 12 AM. So instead the family planned a whole another thing. The moment she stepped out of her bedroom in the morning, her husband, son and daughter were...

The Proposal. (Monday Moments #24)

          The girl and the boy were at her favourite band’s concert. She was out-of-the-world happy to be there. As she sung to every word of all the songs, he couldn’t help but gaze at her. He looked at her with that smile and said...

Me Before You. (Book Review #18)

          Hello book nerds! It saddens me that I get to read less these days. After the 1 book per 2 days streak in July, this is just downright disappointing. Now that I have a study leave of one month, the first thing I did was get back...

Your Favourite Lyrics Say A Lot About You.

          There’s a reason why our favourite books and movies are our favourites. And there’s a reason why our favourite songs are our favourites. I had heard that a person’s favourite lyrics say a lot about them. It brings out their thinking and emotions. It’s...

Artist’s Canvas. (Guest Post #4)

          Today’s post is by Santosh Satpute. He’s a friend and an incredibly talented person. He has a keen eye for photography. He sketches amazingly. He also makes sculptures with utmost perfection. The most wonderful thing is that he hasn’t taken any professional coaching for...

Reading. (Monday Moments #23)

          The extended weekend had begun. She had three days of uninterrupted time for herself. Since she lived alone, there was no one to disturb her. She was awaiting this weekend since a long time. She had come up with perfect excuses for reasons she...

‘Sounds Good Feels Good’ Review.

          5 Seconds of Summer are up with their 2nd album ‘Sounds Good Feels Good’. And believe me, it does sound good and feel good! Ever since I found out about this pop-rock Australian band, I was hooked. I loved all the songs off of...

Driving. (Monday Moments #22)

          It was an ordinary evening. He was riding his bike like any other day. Unaware of the destination. Unaware what this short ride would entail. For some people, reading or listening to music or sleeping is an escape. But riding was his escape. He...