Japanese Murder Mystery Book Recommendation: The Tokyo Zodiac Murders
Hi Readers! April has been a fantastic reading month. I read 14 books and I might just read one more before the end of the month. Here’s a short review of a gory yet fun murder mystery novel. Have you ever read a mystery that has so many angles...
Japanese Murder Mystery Book Recommendation: The Decagon House Murders
Hi Readers! If you follow me on Instagram, chances are that you have already read this super short book review. But, I always tend to come back here to read my thoughts on a particular book after a while I have read it. So, here we go. This is...
Men Without Women: Short Stories on Loneliness in Relationships
Hi Readers! This is my Year of Murakami. I plan to read all of Haruki Murakami’s books. I have already read many books and have about 10 more to go! Seems quite simple to me. So, this review is about an amazing collection of short stories called Men Without...
The Lady Killer by Masako Togawa Book Review.
Hi Readers! It has been a while, hasn’t it? Almost half a month! This month I am again reading more than I am reviewing. I have read 3 books so far. 2 were short ones. But the third one was over 600 pages. It took me a week to...
Book Recommendations: Seishi Yokomizo’s Murder Mystery Novels!
Hi Readers! The reading slump is finally broken with three murder mystery books with a lot of gory, bloody, horrifying, creepy, lunatic characters from Seishi Yokomizo’s three books translated from the Japanese! I did not intend on reading such highly detailed books about multiple murders, especially not 3 books...
Books I Read for January in Japan + Recommendations!
Hi Readers! I participated in January in Japan this month & read 3 books translated from Japanese! I had only read Haruki Murakami’s books earlier. But, this month I saw people reading so many Japanese authors across genres. Till last year, Japanese only meant Murakami & magical realism to...
The Travelling Cat Chronicles : A Warm Light-Hearted Story
Hi Readers! I am back with another review, this time it’s going to be a mini review after I wrote a big detailed review for The Mountains Sing! After two intense reads, I picked up The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa. I had bought this months ago like...
Book Recommendation: Before the Coffee Gets Cold Book Series!
Hi Readers! In the past two days, I read Toshikazu Kawaguchi’s two books: Before the Coffee Gets Cold and its sequel Before the Coffee Gets Cold: Tales from the Café. I must say, I have enjoyed reading both these books. I had only ever read Haruki Murakami’s many books...
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage Book Review!
Hi Readers! I have finished another Murakami book & I was so glad that I liked this one. Usually, people either like all his books or hate all his books. But, for me, I like some while dislike the others. Check out all the Murakami books I have read...
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami Book Review!
Hi Readers! I read my FIFTH Murakami book recently & it has only made me more confused as to whether I like his writing or not. I obviously did some research & came to the conclusion that I only like his books which have MAGICAL REALISM (Kafka on the...