Top 12 Books of 2023 – Year in Review (Part 1)

Hi Readers! Welcome to the first of the three year-end review posts of 2023! We begin with books, of course. My reading in 2023 was quite erratic because I had set no reading goal. I thought doing that would give me the freedom to read whatever I wanted; be...

Award Winning Books of 2023!

Hi Readers! It is that time of the year again! With a very busy December, I won’t be able to do everything like usual, but I am going to do the basics and share the best 12 books I read, best movies and web series I watched and then...

Books Read in December 2023!

Hi Readers! Last monthly review of the year is here! I have already written my yearly reviews, so some might say why bother with a monthly review for December. But, those some will also know that I am a creature of habit. Also, how could I neglect the pretty...

Books Read in November 2023!

Hi Readers! Now that November is over, I cannot even contemplate whether it was too short or too long. At times, it felt like it was passing too slowly but over these last two weeks, it has flown by. All the reading I did this month was over the...

We Had to Remove This Post: Hyped Book Not Worth It

Hi Readers! Read another short book. But did not like this one at all. It had perhaps only two redeeming qualities, but other than that, a complete waste of time. I feel really sad when a book has a solid foundation and reading the blurb gets you excited but...

Book Recommendation: Em and the Big Hoom

Hi Readers! Last week I officially went into my anxious I-have-got-to-read 80 books this year frenzy. This set me on a path to read short books. I don’t typically enjoy them and few of them have also shoved me in the reading slump in the past, almost like a...

Roman Stories by Jhumpa Lahiri: Short Stories Recommendation

Hi Readers! Jhumpa Lahiri is one of those authors whose books when I start reviewing, I can’t quite stop. There are a multitude of themes, some very obvious but some really subtle. There might not always be a memorable character or a thrilling plot, but there are always silences....

Books Read in October 2023!

Hi Readers! We are at the end of another month that went by too quickly. There was a lot of loss this month and as citizens of the world we have grieved at the loss of so many lives. We also lost Matthew Perry, which shook up everyone and...

Afterlives by Abdulrazak Gurnah: Is It For You?

Hi Readers! I recently read a book that I have been wanting to read since a long time. I bought it when Abdulrazak Gurnah won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2021. I looked up his other books such as Paradise, Gravel Heart and By the Sea, but Afterlives...