Perveen Mistry Investigates (1920s Indian Mystery)

Hi Readers! I am currently reading the mystery book series written by Sujata Massey with Perveen Mistry at its center. There are four books published; The Widows of Malabar Hill (alt title: A Murder in Malabar Hill), The Satapur Moonstone, The Bombay Prince and The Mistress of Bhatia House....

Cozy Mystery Book Recommendation: The Last Devil to Die!

Hi Readers! It has been a while since I shared a review, hasn’t it? I was just more focused on reading and less on writing. So it’s completely my fault that I have three reviews to write now! But, here we are. Obviously, I thought it would be better...

Books Read in September 2023!

Hi Readers! Didn’t we arrive at the end of September in the blink of an eye? It seems so unreal how quickly this month has passed me by. Here I was celebrating my 9th blogoversary on 2nd September, and now we are close to 2nd October. Nevertheless, it was...

After the Quake: Short Stories Recommendation

Hi Readers! September is just flying by in rapt speed! We are already ten days in. When did that even happen? Well, after a super ambitious month of August where I read 12 books, this month is going slow at least reading wise. I have only read one book...

Mindscape in Words Celebrates 9th Blogoversary!

Happy 9th Blogoversary to Mindscape in Words!! I cannot believe that it has been NINE YEARS! Nine glorious years of sharing my thoughts and words out into the world for anyone to read! My thoughts on books, my experiences on travels, my words in the form of short stories...

Books Read in August 2023!

Hi Readers! August seems like the longest month ever, but in the best possible way. I achieved a lot of milestones and generally had a happy month. My favourite colleague did leave the workplace, which was the saddest moment during the month, but we have the kind of friendship...

Indian Mythological Retelling: The Sati Series by Koral Dasgupta

Hi Readers! Here is one post with five book reviews! The Sati Series by Koral Dasgupta comprises of five books based on the five Pachkanyas; Ahalya, Kunti, Draupadi, Mandodari and Tara. These books are supposed to be a retelling with a modernist perspective that shine these women in a...

Marathi Book Recommendation: Asahi by Priya Tendulkar

~~MARATHI VERSION~~ बुक्स्टाग्रामवर पद्मजा आणि अवंती यांनी 2017 मध्ये #DiscoveringIndiaReadathon सुरु केले. त्यात या वर्षी मी पहिल्यांदा सहभागी झाले. चार प्रोम्पट्सपैकी मी दोन प्रोम्पट्सवर दोन पुस्तके वाचली. म्हंटलं पुस्तक मराठीत वाचलंय तर बुक रिव्ह्यू पण मराठीत लिहायचा प्रयत्न तरी करायला पाहिजे. असे म्हटले तरी तुम्हाला मराठी आणि इंग्रजी दोन्हीचं...