Babel: The Unnecessity of a Book
Hi Readers! If you follow me on Instagram, you know well enough about my tragedy of a journey of reading Babel since a month. One fine Sunday I just decided that I cannot let this book take more of my time. So, instead of DNFing it, I took the...
February 2024 Wrap-Up!
Hi Readers! How are we already at the end of February? This month went by as quickly as January went by slowly. Despite literally being a shorter month, I got to do a lot of things aside from working like a slog during the week days. I travelled, I...
Your Utopia: Korean Short Stories Book Recommendation
Hi Readers! I recently read Bora Chung’s second book Your Utopia. I was absolutely fascinated by her first book Cursed Bunny. And this time as well the translator is Anton Hur. So, reading this duo’s work again was very anticipated. ~GOODREADS DESCRIPTION~~ By the internationally acclaimed author of Cursed...
Non Book Recommendation: The Fury by Alex Michaelides
Hi Readers! I read Alex Michelides’ third book The Fury. Just like the previous two books, it let me down. Yes, it is a lot different than his earlier books even if it’s a mystery. In some ways, this attempt is the best one yet, but somehow it lost...
January 2024 Wrap-Up!
Hi Readers! After 84 years, January has finally ended! But, what a month to start the year! I feel like I did a lot of fun stuff, read quite less, spent time with my people, worked more than I did all of last quarter, worked out more too, tried...
Japanese Murder Mystery Book Recommendation: The Mill House Murders
Hi Readers! January has been super exhausting. I read only two books in the first week and then literally nothing. So, for the Republic Day long weekend, my only plan was to read. So, I read two more books! The first was The Glass Palace, for which I will...
Book Recommendation: The Goodbye Cat by Hiro Arikawa
Hi Readers! It is too early in the year to be already reading heart-warming books. I usually read them after I read intense and depressing books. But, I think my 2024 Reader mantra is to pick up the book that calls out to me and to just start reading...
These Days by Lucy Caldwell: A Wartime Historical Fiction Novel Based in Belfast
Hi Readers! First book review of the year is here! I have been reading These Days by Lucy Caldwell all of December, and finished it only this week. I see so many readers talking about their first book of the year. Unlike everyone else, I did not feel the...
2024 Monthly Reading Templates – Books Read And To Be Read!
Happy New Year, Readers!! The 2024 reading templates are here! This includes TBR templates, Monthly reads templates, book buying ban templates, what I watched & listened templates. The kind of response you have shown for the templates I made in 2023 and 2022 has really made my world. I...
Top 12 Posts of 2023 – Year in Review (Part 3)
Hi Readers! Year on year, you outdo yourselves! Mindscape in Words had 64000 VIEWS in 2023! This is a 40% increase than last year. I know there are two to four posts which receive a majority of traffic, but they are also the ones I love the most. I...