Book Recommendation: The Life Impossible by Matt Haig
Hi Readers! How are you all doing? The weather these days in Mumbai is unpredictable. Every morning I go for a walk with my hat as sun protection and my windcheater as rain protection. I enjoy the walk whether it rains or shines. If it’s raining, my shoes get...
Celebrating 10 Years, Readers!!
In September 2014, I created an account on Blogger and posted a poem called Popular and Plain. It was nothing special, quite plain. But, the very essence of the poem was about wanting to be seen. Even a plain person can be popular with their words, I thought. No...
August 2024 Wrap-Up!
Hi Readers! How do you feel about being in the last four months of 2024? Insane, isn’t it? August, for me, was eventful. A lot of erratic reading, erratic work schedule and erratic living. I read SIX BOOKS across 1461 PAGES in AUGUST! ~~BOOKS READ~~ ~~THE HOUSEMAID SERIES by...
I Asked ChatGPT to Review my Account!
Hi Readers! As usual, it has been a while. So, I thought I will also post something fun which I otherwise only post on Instagram. There is this trend that’s going on where content creators ask ChatGPT to review their Instagram account. So, there are various version of reviewing...
Highly Recommended Graphic Novel: Daytripper by Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá
Hi Readers! I am again in a funk reading wise, so thought I might at least share book reviews. When it comes to books I loved beyond measure, it’s either always very difficult or very easy to write their review. For Daytripper, it’s the former. I loved the book,...
Book Review: Seek You: A Journey Through American Loneliness
Hi Readers! It had been a while since I had read a graphic novel, so I decided to read ‘Seek You’ based on reviews and recommendations. I loved how the Goodreads blurb talked about the book, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to find that nuance or meaning when I...
July 2024 Wrap-Up!
Hi Readers! After a reading lull in June, I finally got my mojo back this month. Despite the tremendous work load, I was able to read a lot. I think probably because there was tremendous work load, I just had to put myself in a fictional world more often...
Book Recommendations based on Spotify Daylists!
Hi Readers! It has only been book reviews and monthly wrap-up posts lately. So I thought it was time to do something fun. I saw these daylists on Spotify which are essentially a day in a playlist. They have the most bizarre titles under which there are songs. So,...
Book Recommendation: Murder in Mahim
Hi Readers! How are you all doing? Weekends in Mumbai have been amazing lately. It’s always raining non-stop and I have been reading non-stop to complement the pleasant weather. I am already reading five books, and yet I started a new one yesterday and finished it today. Murder in...
More Days at the Morisaki Bookshop: An Unnecessary Sequel
Hi Readers! I am back with a review after almost a month! I haven’t been reading much because work is super hectic and so all I want to do over weekends is binge-watch something rather than read. Such a sad state of things! But, I am clawing my way...