Carrie Soto is Back: It’s a Tennis Story This Time!
Hi Readers! It is March!! My favourite month of the year, for the sole reason that it’s my birthday month! And because books give me immense joy, I am going to be picky about the books I choose. And, voila! The first book which I have already read and...
Cleopatra and Frankenstein: A Book of Clichés
Hi Readers! I read the current bookstagram favourite Cleopatra and Frankenstein by Coco Mellors. Like most other hyped books on Instagram, I did not enjoy this one at all. While the underlying message is interesting, it was not the worth it. Here goes the review! ~~TRIGGER WARNINGS~~ Cleopatra and...
Books Read in February 2023!
Hi Readers! Another month gone way too quickly. I read FIVE BOOKS across 1876 PAGES! I was quite happy with my reading this month. I read one big book, two mid-sized books and two shorter books. They were all wildly different from each other so I wasn’t bored at...
Book Recommendation: The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton
Hi Readers! I have unlocked a whole new level of accomplishment. I had this book The Luminaries on my bookshelf since eight years. It was the oldest book on my physical TBR. The wisest fellow to have endured so much of me picking any book but it. And then...
More Amazing Reading Templates: Last Book Read & Currently Reading!
Hi Readers! Here are some more amazing reading templates for your socials. The first set are the ‘Last Book Read’ for describing your last book read in a brief manner and of course, in different colours – five! And then there is a single ‘Last, Now, Next’ template to...
From Upstream to Downhill Really Fast!
Hi Readers! Finished my third book of the month. You know how I am a hard-core fiction reader? Well, I think I forgot and tried to venture into something new. It was a truly surreal experience. I had read only one of Mary Oliver’s poetry books before and I...
Book Recommendation: The Greatest Kashmiri Stories Ever Told
Hello Readers! I had very strong coffee at 10 PM, which is why I am writing this review at 2.30 AM. I think my best writing happens after midnight. But, you be the judge of that depending on if you find this review coherent enough to make you pick...
Books Read in January 2023!
Hi Readers! Just like that one month is down already. How was January for you? Did you stick to your New Year resolutions and making progress? Or is February the month you actually start working on them? Haha, either way, I am way behind on my 23 Goals of...
How To Kill Your Family: Dark Witty Humorous Novel
Hi Readers! Didn’t expect another review so soon, did you? Well, I am full of surprises! After reading The Eighth Life, I needed something light to read, something like a palate cleanser if you will. So, I picked this book randomly. I had seen it often on Goodreads and...
The Diamond Eye by Kate Quinn
Hi Readers! Here is the first review of 2023! It has been a while since I wrote a review and also a while since I finished reading The Diamond Eye. So, I am a bit rusty. Please tolerate! This was the fourth Kate Quinn book I read. After having...